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BN66 PGX 2024-05-18 17:40:16

Parked in a parent & child bay in a busy car park when you have no child with you. Nice appreciation for parents.
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BN66 KHX 2024-05-09 15:56:21

Driver constantly looking down the traffic moves and this guy is still sat there looking down at his phone oblivious to what's going on around him also not wearing a seat belt
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BN59 LCF 2024-05-05 15:28:27

Doesn't feel the need to stop at red pedestrian traffic lights because he's a big mocho man in his white van man wearing no seat belt neither were the children in the passenger seat and the driver was smoking I'm guessing your parents were brother and sister ??
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BN69 XOR 2024-05-05 14:00:13

Asian male Driving 5 year old Black Bmw X3 with mobile phone in hands, film making. Tik tok etc whilst driving dangerously for views. Don’t be an idiot
Race on track not in supermarket car parks! Points driving with un car and attention is points on licence and fine and ban for mobile phone usage. How many views is worth penalty and licence points? CCTV footage on YouTube.
Check rear and front tires as looked bald
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BN17 WRD 2024-04-09 22:31:26

Stolen early hours of Saturday morning ..from Sure start garage Edenthorpe Doncaster....

Serves you right you disgusting racist bitch. I expect you think it was an "illegal" who did it. You scabby mare Christine.
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