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CV10 RXX 2024-06-06 18:55:16

Seen this purple/blue land rover driving erratically through Wexham and Slough on numerous occasions the last few weeks.
No front plate. Overtaking other vehicles then pushing into traffic. Shouting and hand gestures Tailgating and pressuring other drivers to speed up or pull over so the scum can get back to whatever Faeces he crawls under. Tax and MOT expired 6 months ago.
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CV06 GBY 2024-05-31 22:13:32

Very impatient driver overtakes in a race to the red light! Doh
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CV16 VBT 2024-04-29 19:25:55

Very impatient, overtakes with no indicators, flies around corners without indicating or checking the road is clear… idiot!
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CV16 UNM 2024-04-20 16:26:15

This bearded wanker thinks he mr big bollocks because he’s got a clapped out poverty spec 2016 Jag. This twat needs to learn how to read road signs, rather than decide to cut up 3 lanes of traffic on a roundabout
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CV06 YLH 2024-04-27 15:37:25

Beefy boyz!
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