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DY18 HNM 2024-04-23 19:40:15

terrible driver nearly ran me over when i was crossing the road AS THE LIGHTS WAS CHANGING boy should rethink his driving career maybe take some more lessons!!!!
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DY24 HGP 2024-04-22 15:40:55

Highway Maintenance phone in hand while driving and manoeuvring. Fairly typical HM behaviour.
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DY66 XFP 2024-04-04 17:52:49

Loves driving over every lane it can
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DY06 ZPP 2024-03-20 09:15:42

What happened to him??
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DY72 OHL 2024-02-22 11:25:59

Another fucking Ogi fibre van, this time sat just idling engine for at least 15 minutes. Thanks for caring about the environment, noise and air pollution. And obviously this proud Welsh startup has got plenty of money to burn, wasting fuel like that.

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  2. BC55 SOL
  3. LT09 WVX
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  5. BG65 EBC
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  7. LM60 CJY
  8. HY20 AVP
  9. YD63 UZO
  10. V60 CDW

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