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EM02 DAZ 2023-12-20 16:11:45

Daz in the VW Touareg.

Get your illegally spaced plate sorted out. It's not supposed to read as

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EM13 KEY 2023-09-26 18:56:21

Fuck face is gonna end up going face first into oncoming traffic overtaking like a cunt
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EM13 WAL 2023-07-18 20:36:19

Just because you're in a bit of traffic doesn't mean you can get on the phone love.
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EM55 MUZ 2022-10-13 22:48:15

Definitely not a bmw...also rear ended a vehicle and drove off
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EM21 ELF 2021-09-21 14:02:12

Stupid, selfish & totally clueless woman overtook on the inside to stop us from merging, almost forcing our car onto the opposite side of the road into oncoming traffic!

People like that need to learn that being so selfish and reckless causes accidents!

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