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EV20 TON 2024-02-04 22:36:33

I'm going to guess your shit illegally spaced plate is because you're an Everton fan? Same with your car being blue.

Skoda Kamig with reg plate having zero spacing....


Guess what - it doesn't spell a damn thing. You're missing out ER.
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EV62 FLY 2023-12-09 17:50:48

Cammer thinks the car plate is cool but really it's illegal and just very chavvy. And it's still only a Kia so really, why bother?

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EV03 EJV 2023-11-09 16:20:37

Sped past me at at least 60 in a 20! Reckless and he shouted ‘haze dere cmon’ at me while he overtook in a school zone. Not a pleasant young man
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EV69 WJX 2023-10-08 16:34:20

Reg search returns nothing yet I know what reg I saw.
Driving the wrong way down a one way street on Prospect Street. Signs clearly saying No Entry as well as markings on the bloody road itself.
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EV61 FVO 2023-03-16 23:15:55

Typical arrogant BMW driver! There was ample space, to provide but chose to close pass - wanker.
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