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EX05 HSZ 2024-05-28 23:30:00

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EX56 UGP 2024-05-25 16:41:53

Nearly 3 weeks after this before they bothered to make it road legal.
This was in an average speed camera 40mph zone too (and my cruise control was set at 40mph).
Video at 2x speed.
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EX14 XOZ 2024-05-19 19:34:39

It seems that reverse parking is not the forte of the driver of this black Hyundai ix35 at IKEA Birmingham (Wednesbury) on Saturday, 18th May 2024.
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EX62 RZE 2024-05-23 19:29:32

Fucking dopey spastic,revving white smoke all over the place thinking he's clever. Wanker.
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EX65 JZD 2024-04-24 14:34:08

Silly old twat plodding along on a dual carriageway, at under 30, then speeds up to stop a lorry passing in lane 2, then as soon as the lorry pulls back behind him he reverts to driving like an old twat. Age is no excuse. If you can't drive and don't like people then hand in your licence and leave our roads safe for proper drivers.
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