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FF10 NFM 2024-05-01 21:13:58


Fuck me that's the gold standard desperation.

Are you on the radio, Ffion?

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FF04 ATU 2024-03-19 15:17:35

Another bmw twat
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FF55 JAZ 2024-02-24 09:55:52

Ugly little fucker with an attitude like her driving ,SHIT .
Wrap it round a lampost you twat.
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FF10 RUN 2023-09-20 11:28:13

Firstly, You dont have ANY legal power to stop traffic. You sticking your hand out telling me to stop. Your passenger calling me an idiot. You are an escort vehicle, not a police officer. Secondly, by putting your van so far across, with the van reversing, you left me nowhere to go but forwards, as I have no reverse gear. Thirdly, you shouldnt be escorting a massive shed on the road at peak times anyway, so at 850am you shouldnt be driving this load here. Lastly, im on a bike you tool. I can fit past the lorry easily. Stop thinking you're a police officer.
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FF12 ZAC 2023-07-06 12:18:07

Horrible puke lime green BMW with a wanked up growler of an engine, driver is too important to have a registration plate on front of car. Probably corroded and fell off from the number of people vomiting over the atrocious colour.
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