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FM18 LFE 2024-02-15 19:36:41

This truck parked in a carpark for over 30 minutes taking 6 spaces, a "car"park! The clue is in the name, but while the driver was in Mcdonalds, I wasn't the only person talking photos.... parking enforcement was taking photos of it too so hope they enjoy their fine!
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FM54 JWL 2024-01-18 19:08:40

This chaved out shit box is driven by a crayon eating spastic waste of air!
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FM13 FUW 2023-10-22 23:02:54

Mouthy twat

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FM06 HUP 2023-10-12 17:27:37

Wanker in a Ford Transit driving around Garstang illegally.
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FM56 GUT 2023-09-17 11:07:08

You cunt
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