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LB68 HGK 2024-05-07 21:06:11

Why cut in front of us and then return back to the right lane again?
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LB52 COB 2024-04-22 16:35:53

Absolute fuckwit doesn't know how to park this utter shitmobile piece of shit excuse for a car. Take your test again and practice considerate parking, or better yet get a smaller car you can actually drive you fucking retarded cunt.
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LB15 YMH 2024-04-27 16:42:37

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LB22 VGT 2024-04-27 08:20:55

Private hire Harold bishop .
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LB03 CXL 2024-04-15 22:51:33

lol I just saw this. The mini cut up the merc, then later tried to cut and block the merc driver up. Merc driver got in front, played the same card. Mini tried to get in front with a sharp right turn with acceleration and spun out of control. Well done Mercedes driver
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