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LR70 DTZ 2024-04-13 01:27:56

Who are you overtaking you dumb fuck?
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LR08 YHD 2024-04-09 22:11:50

พฤหัสบดี 5 สิงหาคม 2564
พุธ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ 2565
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LR55 VMD 2024-04-08 22:25:51

Audi A3 with broken tail light speeding around Lancs flying straight through red light on the bypass.
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LR21 ZWF 2024-03-27 20:43:00

Two lanes at a roundabout and this moron comes up the middle and makes his own third lane, clearly he's a simple cunt, and he doesn't seem able to string his words together into a coherent sentence either.
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LR54 LCM 2024-03-19 14:48:41

Silly BMW twat
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