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ND07 JXP 2024-04-29 13:33:11

Fantastic driver, very respectful, abides to the speed limit overall amazing. Better than most drivers out there.
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ND10 XFO 2024-04-27 19:14:18

Awful driving was speeding and did a dodgy over take may report this in as on dash cam
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ND68 EOP 2024-04-12 23:28:11

Dozy cow. When you're driving up Ashton Rd & you're going straight on or on the A6 towards Preston then you're supposed to be in the right lane.

Not the left lane like you were & then you skip lanes. Left is to go in to town.
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ND19 YSX 2024-04-09 17:45:17

Street racing, his mate crashed into innocent person
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ND21 ONK 2024-03-25 17:39:55

It may look like a good place to stop but at this time of year farmers need access to the fields, sometimes urgently. If you park like this then it just might not be where you left it when you return.
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