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NU13 AYJ 2024-05-06 00:34:12

Cum guzzling cock swiller needs to find his fucking brain before he jumps in his shitty clapped out white van. Threatening a woman with a kid and stalking them to a private road to scream at her has got to be the act of a hen pecked micropenis wank stain
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NU62 YCY 2024-04-19 22:56:18

Yob, driving at night, windows down, drum and bass blasting, tailgating etc. lmao
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NU67 CNJ 2024-03-02 00:15:36

Shit coloured Vauxhall & shit parking
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NU13 URG 2024-02-11 23:50:57

This nonce in a BMW M4 with about 15 other cars with farty exhausts speeding on country roads probably going to a car meet.

Illegally spaced reg plate all bunched up:
NU13URG, no space between 3 & U. What's Nuburg then?
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NU52 RXV 2024-02-10 01:04:32

Not so smart
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