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NU11 VJP 2024-06-01 20:39:32

Coming down the wrong way for a short cut.

If only they put no entry signs at the other end of that road so you knew not to go down there.
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NU66 LSZ 2024-05-26 18:12:45

Daft fuck was hugging my bumper as we were joining the motorway.
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NU22 FPT 2024-06-01 13:23:24

Idiot tailgating through a 30mph and 20mph area. If the car stops, could you? The answer is no! Maybe more time focussed on the road and less time with whatever’s in your centre console.
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NU69 UZB 2024-05-14 17:34:03

Proper knob racing round Luton like he's something special. He's special alright...
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NU64 EJY 2024-05-14 06:57:16

This absolutely impatient idiot will kill someone. 30mph MEANS 30mph… it does not mean tailgate the car in front and then overtake at 40/45mph outside a college!
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