Selected comments

PC13 ANN 2022-11-09 16:17:12

Seriously, a work vehicle with the plate written out as P·C13ANN.


Who is "C13ANN"? Why are you P·1ss1ng about with your reg plates?
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PC53 ESS 2022-08-14 18:58:30

Another shit illegally spaced number plate.


Princess? SMH.
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PC06 ANG 2020-10-15 12:26:39

Tailgating thick bitch.
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PC03 DRO 2019-11-14 16:17:03

The big heided wank drives his shitey Jag at 100 mph everwhere
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PC09 OAK 2019-06-29 13:55:08

This idiot tried taking me out on the M1 when I had to overtake him when he was sat in the middle lane.
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Registration plates:
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