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SG15 VSY 2024-05-17 20:53:22

What an impatient tosser in an Audi Q3 S Line.

In a 40mph average speed zone going through the lights near the uni & this dipshit pulls out to go 45 to get ahead of the van that's in front.
Audi driver then has to barge their way in as they're running out of road & have to hit the brakes before they hit the car that was in front of the van.
Once all this nonsense is over, Audi driver is all of about 0.2 seconds ahead of the van & behind a large stream of traffic.

Absolutely pointless.
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SG09 DDY 2024-03-22 19:42:35

Dick blocks busses
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SG64 MGJ 2024-03-14 22:54:36

Black VW Polo

And not fuck the mirrors off, don't bother signalling & make the move no matter what.
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SG08 BRW 2024-03-05 00:26:19

Another Audi Twat
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SG09 MHO 2024-02-18 11:51:48

Reversed into my car and then just drove off. Wanker.
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