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VG62 SLZ 2021-08-16 14:35:46

Drives like a bellend, runs red lights
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VG13 VBY 2020-05-06 15:17:18

This van driver should have waited instead of attempting to overtake at this pedestrian island pinch point on the road. He swerved sharply to get around it barely missing the cyclist. Extremely dangerous manoeuvre.

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VG12 VUK 2018-11-17 18:15:14

This vehicle never parks appropriately and chucks his kids in the boot of this big van, no seats! Very illegal. I hope someone catches this psycho soon!
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VG08 VGZ 2017-06-30 18:56:44

Shocking driver. Idiot does not respect other right of way!
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VG57 YCY 2016-07-24 21:06:39

Awful dangerous driver obviously driving on drugs. Discrace to driving
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