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VU21 EBO 2024-04-04 09:08:52

Oh dear, let down today, sitting outside our house engine idling or revving 8 in the morning what a numpty just get on and do your job
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VU64 CZH 2024-03-21 21:10:22

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VU61 HBO 2024-03-15 08:36:19

dodgy illegal tints probably reduced this assholes vision of the road and their surroundings to explain how pulling across junctions like an asshole is perfectly ok
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VU22 BTZ 2024-03-03 19:53:14

Hates his kid being filmed, so actively pursues the filmer, leading to his kid being filmed even more, then promises to knock the shit out of the filmer in front of his kid.
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VU11 WPD 2024-02-19 20:09:39

I think you need some more driving lessons before heading back out unsupervised
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