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VX19 ZUA 2024-04-04 18:21:46

Disgusting driving, I was on my way back from Thirsk and this woman pulled out in front of me, of course instinct is to brake which i did resulting in the car behind almost colliding with me. If this is you i seriously would consider taking a refresher course because this isn't the first time i've seen your driving around Yorkshire being shared on facebook groups.
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VX12 BDU 2024-04-10 21:29:13

I’m infringing Range Rover copyright by using this in my Roblox game
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VX24 XGO 2024-04-09 19:02:37

What an absolute cunt. No speed limit or any road rules for this fucking prick.
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VX65 TEY 2024-02-26 12:10:32

Audi A3 passing cyclist much too close when everyone else managed to give a wide pass.
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VX67 ATV 2024-02-16 02:56:01

Shit parking. Also are shagging in there?
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