AO13 KNR 2016-12-09 21:48:09

Likes to tailgate men's gooches.
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AO13 KNR 2016-12-09 20:31:35

Absolute terrible driver, gets gapped by EP3's daily innit fam brap
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AO13 KNR 2016-12-09 19:43:22

Kept screaming Ecoboost Yoooooo!
There seemed to be a bad Smelle from the passenger side
Had spunk in his beard
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AV63 VPO 2016-12-05 19:14:52

You can't even spell License!

And this in not true the owner of this car is a very safe driver.
So don't lie like that.
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AA02 HAR 2016-11-28 22:48:58

This car has been used in a robbery on canal road when two men got struck and appointed at. He is a donald trump sporter and will do anything to kill. He tryed ramming me off the road once !!!
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AY54 XMH 2016-12-04 12:29:39

Let it go
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 18:03:21

This man appears to lack basic manners and humility. That he is so easily upset by what he perceive's as the injustice of having to share space with other road users is possibly a manifestation of his personal insecurities. The small thing's, live and let live, would go a long way towards a more humane world.
In my opinion, this drivers awful attitude was unnecessary and uncalled for.
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AV16 NGX 2016-12-02 13:35:37

I saw this car speeding yesterday around Morton Hall, so he could've caused an accident!
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AO54 OKB 2016-11-29 22:14:32

He chased me in his car for about 2 hours and my friends around lowestoft near aldi and they said he wanted to beat me up and abuse me and me friends
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AO54 OKB 2016-11-29 21:49:11

He chased 14 and 15 year old boys whilst speeding trying to run us over. He nearly ran my friend over and also called him words which where very hurtful.
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