AK66 HCH 2016-11-02 15:36:33

DEJI lied to us, He lives in Peterborough.
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AK66 HCH 2016-11-02 14:47:30

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AK04 DWX 2016-10-25 18:28:34

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AE62 DEU 2016-10-25 06:20:19

Fucking "travellers"? More like fucking parasites when they come to our neck of the woods..

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AK66 HCH 2016-10-31 12:25:03

he's a sick driver
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AK65 OYY 2016-10-24 04:18:07

Stuart get a dash cam. Then the prick's boss, wife/whatever, the whole world can see what they're doing. After all they want attention, let them have it. Sick of people acting like this on the roads, thinking they can do what the hell they like including risking people's lives. Oh and to AK65 OYY if you are acting like this..then I hope your car gets crushed either by impact or police crusher. Good riddance.
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AV03 ENC 2016-10-23 21:44:42

Fuck me, that's some of the shittest bike riding I've seen in a long time.

At the start you were serving about like a cunt and at the end you were basically driving head on into oncoming traffic hoping they'd move out of the way.

How the hell do you fit into a bike helmet with a massive cock and balls hanging off your forehead?
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-22 21:46:24

Horrible man drives far too aggressively and definitely faster than the speed limit on town centre roads with kids in the car. Pulling out of a junction, all clear on a one-way street. His brand-new Range Rover comes into view as I'm halfway on the road, and sped up to try cut me off and slide around me before I could finish my manoeuvre. Blares horn and drives dangerously close to the rear of my car until we reach a roundabout at which point he changes lanes and makes rude gestures at me and my partner (and gets his young kids to join in too - appalling) before speeding off nearly cutting up a driver on the roundabout. Judging by the other comments this man is apparently a 'YouTuber'. Please don't be delusional and don't listen to his fans, as they are clearly trying to give him a good reputation. If you do encounter this person whilst driving please be careful.
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A14 LBD 2016-10-22 21:17:18

Was in car with driver, and couldn't believe she was willing to be so reckless. Honestly thought she was going to hit us. Was pouring down so conditions were bad to begin with. She turned off the A19 to Stockton.
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-29 13:30:16

Great driver but um. He likes to drive on the opposite side of the road
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