AK66 HCH 2016-10-21 23:32:09

This man is an atrocious driver. Absolute fucking shit. He cut me off because he wanted me to rear end his car so he could buy a new one. This black man probably stole it. Take away his license and car.
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-21 21:46:31

don't try and him loss his car you dumb ass retarders.deji payed money and he can't loss an expensive car you little lyers.AK66 HCH IF U SAW THOSE COOL STUFF ON THE VIDEO .REGISTRATIONS 66 IN IT WHERE MADE IN AUGUST TO NOW BUT THERE LAST MONTH TO MAKE 66 REGISTRATIONS IS DECEMBER
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-21 20:57:36

Just to let the insurance team know. The owner of this driver is a famous youtuber that's known to over 7 million people. The people making false accusations about his driving are his haters. Please don't take them seriously this man is an innocent human being
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-21 19:45:41

This guy is an absolute legend of a driver. He didn't pass any red lights, and those who say he did are just fucking retards. He let me have the rest of his KFC. He was always focused on the road and nothing else. He even offered me ride in his Range Rover. Absolute legend mate.
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AD03 JNN 2016-10-26 20:27:59

Dangerous cyclist @ 0:23 - Look Mum no hands.
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-26 12:20:42

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AK66 HCH 2016-10-26 12:20:22

Deji hi deji
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-25 23:01:47

Best driver! He is very careful. One time, he crashed an Audi named Janet, but only because the road was too slippery. People giving bad ratings are liars! Absolute liars!
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-24 12:35:56

Deji, You are the worlds greatest driver ever. Keep it up dude.
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AK66 HCH 2016-10-24 05:09:00

Boring crap.
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