M666 DAW 2016-02-20 13:51:51

Just had the same thing happen too. He overtook and slammed on in front of me. Next time it happens, I won't touch the brakes and just send camera footage to the police.
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M30 HJE 2016-02-16 10:01:34

Facebook website under harry elliot photography.

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MM55 RBX 2016-02-15 18:23:24

I don't understand that behavior either and why they always want to be in front of everybody else. Maybe its the only goal they are able to achieve in life.
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M478 GFJ 2016-02-13 14:50:40

That's a decent fall tbf! Good job it was on camera as he would have said the bike guy hit him etc
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MX13 BXG 2016-02-06 13:39:43

MX13BXG you prick, learn to keep some distance. Can't do that? Then put your license back inside a Christmas cracker and toss the keys into a car crusher.. done and dusted. Fucking tail-gaters make me sick, they deserve to be filmed and as long as nobody is hurt (rare) they deserve to have their metal toy mashed up. Hopefully they'll run out of insurers, the stupid, selfish and arrogant arse-holes they are...
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ML51 UTH 2016-02-12 07:21:51

Wasn't paying full attention near mcdonalds in Rugby, kept disappearing from view by leaning into front passengers crotch while driving..very dangerous!!
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MK57 KYP 2016-02-11 17:51:16

What a knob learn to drive and clean your van.
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MK57 KYP 2016-02-11 17:50:43

Cant park, has stupid sunglasses and he has jag badges on a Ford.
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M44 EWR 2016-02-11 17:40:37

Excuse my English. Driver was in a rush I think and was not very safe to me and my friends. I do not like what he did and i swapped lanes so I was safe.
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MJ63 EWB 2016-02-11 14:18:03

Strange how you didn't show you being a cunt???
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