Registration plate P4MUL

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P4 MUL 2019-08-31 00:23:25

Might not look it in the photos, but that is actually 4 spaces being taken. The massive rear overhang takes up a good ft and a half into the spaces behind too.
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P4 MUL 2019-08-31 00:21:15

There must be something in the Land Rover finance agreement for all new Range Rover owners requiring them to take as much space as possible in car parks.

What other reason do we see so many of this one make of vehicle doing this?
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P4 MUL 2019-08-31 10:15:49

New, with a cost north of 100k, the owners are petrified of having scummy kids of some pleb opening a door and denting their precious vehicle. Its the kids of plebs that force me to park my very modest car by comparison as far away from the shop entrance as possible, so far with the desired effect--- no car park dents.
SO, while this old model not particularly valuable range rover is parked like a CUNT, I can begin to understand the favoured by many 2 or 4 bay parking. He still gets a red down from me, for not trying harder at school, not having the latest model, and not having the butler do his shopping. Oh, and its F4MUL, not P.....
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