Registration plate SG10FGO
Official local mnemonic: Scotland
Postal area: Glasgow
Issued: between march 2010 and august 2010
Black Land rover Freelander, manufactured in 2010, first registered on 1 May 2010. Cylinder capacity: 2179cc, CO2 emissions: 179 g/km.
As of 15 January 2018 this vehicle had done 45,361 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 73,200 miles.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 July 2019
✗ No MOT Expired: 27 January 2020

MOT history

Test dateExpiry dateResultOdometer reading
2018-01-152019-01-27 Pass45,361
2017-01-262018-01-27 Pass41,146
2017-01-23- Fail41,146
2016-01-282017-01-27 Pass33,445
2015-05-192016-05-28 Pass27,958
2015-05-19- Fail27,958
  • Nearside Inner Front brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (3.5.1i)
  • Offside Inner Front brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (3.5.1i)
2014-05-192015-05-28 Pass24,711
2013-05-202014-05-28 Pass22,432
  • Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • Offside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
  • Offside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)

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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 15:02:28

You obviously did not listen to George Osborne's budget on 8 July; Money raised through VED will now be earmarked for road network improvements.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-25 14:19:25

Guys you both have points, however I feel we are drifting away from the subject a little. Threatening to kill someone just because they're on a bike is unlawful. In cases like this we need video footage to at least try and establish the circumstances, and to be fair to both parties. You would want this if someone made what appears anay allegation against you, it's not an open and shut case if all you have to go on is words. On that note I'm amazed how cheap these cameras are becoming now, some really good deals out there.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 16:26:45

Well the idiots voted these morons into power..the idiots got what they deserved.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 15:39:57

And let's not remember the main point here: the allegation that an arrogant, entitled driver threatened to kill someone with a vehicle and then attempted to justify using non-existent tax. The fucking prat.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 15:38:48

"You obviously did not listen to.." Actually if you read your own reference properly you'd realise this hasn't even passed the proposal stage - and wouldn't even come into power until the end of the DECADE. You do realise that people buying newer, green cars, are exempt from paying tax and that this will continue beyond 2017? That money the bald-headed prick is talking about "ring-fencing" will dwindle as more greener technologies emerge? The inescapable fact you obviously do not realise, is that cyclists have been paying tax for years in order to repair the roads they haven't damaged, the air they have not polluted, to clean up the accidents they haven't caused. So fair's fair: put your hand in your pocket and give them a rebate...then we'll see how much vehicle owners really would be paying.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 15:28:35

A portion of VED has always gone towards road funding, it gets put into a general pot. However the amount paid is actually miniscule; it doesn’t even begin to cover the costs of road maintenance. Juxtapose that with local and national taxation everyone eligible has to pay – this irrespective of whether they cycle, walk, drive, or use public transport. Even if you seldom ever leave a house, you pay for the damage vehicles do to our roads. So for years, cyclists have been subsidising you.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 15:20:09

Erm, that still doesn't change the fact cyclists actually have a right to be on the road, nor does it alter the fact they are paying way more for road upkeep. Are you going to give all non-driving road users a rebate on account of the damage they are not inflicting? Are you going to accept that the amount of money ring-fenced for roads absolutely PALES into comparison to the amount they pay?
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-20 05:08:18

SG10 FGO just GTFO and learn before you lecture others. Most cyclists PAY for roads through local and national taxation. Oh the shock! That means they pay a disproportionate amount since CARS do most of the damage, bikes virtually none. Double whammy! And the knock-out blow: Legally, cyclists are there by RIGHT whereas you are there by privilege. You do NOT pay directly for roads sunshine, nobody does. And if you think your blind hatred for cyclists gives you the right to invent your own rules (which apparently includes premeditated murder?), then seriously.. GTFO or drive yourself into an asylum. They'll take good care of you there. You ignorant, self-important person.
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SG10 FGO 2015-08-13 22:43:03

Threatened to knock me off the road with his car, (attempted murder) because as a cyclist I don't pay road tax (abolished 80 years ago, roads are paid for through general taxation) I do however pay Vehicle Excise Duty on my S Max. I don't feel I should me murdered and my children deprived of a father because of my transport choices. Should be banned from the road for life before he takes someone else's
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