AG07 EBD 2016-03-21 05:29:43

This driver undertook me at over 120mph. Very dangerous!
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AV11 UYY 2016-03-19 06:38:15

Sounds like you are trying to make a 'cut up' manoeuvre sound reasonable. Also contravene 162, 163, 164, 167 & 168 of the Highway Code. Back to driving school?
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AO10 ZXZ 2016-03-10 23:36:29

I think that "learner" still has a lot to learn, mainly on account of their inability to read the road. The cyclist is allowed the lane, and indeed this of encouraged by all authoritative sources such as the RAC, AA, police forces and government. The cyclist wasn't doing it to antagonise or delay anyone; rather, they HAVE to think of their safety and those around them, and they HAVE to remain visible. Riding primary is doing just that. It is textbook practice. You can however see the motorcyclist tearing up the road towards a roundabout, unimpeded as he nearly runs into the back of the cyclist who is slowing down in advance of said roundabout and traffic conditions. If he were driving a car instead of riding a push-bike it would have been no different and this regardless of his speed. He needs to get in position and to be seen, and to deter idiocy like you see here.
Furhermore the references to non-existent Road Tax, and also Insurance and MOT, they ALL mean sod-all. They are all not a tax or fee to use or pay for roads. The argument is thus null and void. This is why Churchill abolished Road Tax in the 30's, because it gave people like that motorbike rider a false sense of entitlement to our roads. Having said this, I wouldn't have argued with him.. it's just not worth engaging with people like him as not only are you at risk of losing concentration but you're also at risk of assault (not that this would be your fault). To put it bluntly, let the fuck up and fuck off and only react as a last resort..let a horn do the talking. This also limits their ability to absolve or mitigate their wrong-doing in a court, as some will always try it on. All he had to do was stay back as required or at least give the cyclist enough room.. clearly, there wasn't enough room there especially since they were approaching stationary traffic. The motorbike ride caused unnecessary stress and danger and all because someone else was using the road. Just calm down brother, life's too short ya know....
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AK12 LVM 2016-03-13 17:05:18

Probably a drunk driver, to be avoided.
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AK56 HRP 2016-03-12 21:41:35

Video's like this show what Britain is today: an over-crowded shit-tip. Anyway, the video is very well edited in my opinion.
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AR53 OLE 2016-03-12 17:49:23

I'm buying that car when it's retired from service and auctioned off!
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AO10 ZXZ 2016-03-11 00:19:38

he should get his CBT revoked ... if he's not dead already. What an idiot! What an idiotic attitude!

Us bikers need to stick together, regardless of tax status!
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AJ60 CTU 2016-03-09 17:10:08

You sound surprised that a van driver is driving like an idiot. You obviously haven't been driving long. Get used to it!
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AF55 KCV 2016-02-28 14:51:03

Had the whole Street to park. Chooses to park in front of my drive so I cannot get out. What is wrong with you.
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A006 MON 2016-02-21 05:25:51

Well this is no doubt an inconvenience (to some). Also please consider the inconvenience caused to many, by mothers dropping their children off outside school: double parking signs..people's the middle of the road. In fact the latter problem is a national epidemic..
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