BU53 CZD 2016-01-11 19:26:14

This pathetic prick has to put pictures of his car on this rate a driver website because he has a fugly girlfriend.

What a cunt
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BU53 CZD 2016-01-11 18:35:52

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BK11 RYY 2016-01-03 22:57:37

Maybe he has parked there so at night on this unlit road, people don't bomb along into a great fucking hole.
I doubt they parked their pride and joy beside a great fucking hole for fun you gormless prick.
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BK11 RYY 2016-01-03 20:23:02

how did you take said photo then, apart from using the road like the Audi did. Yes it is dangerous but it was their own lives they were risking nobody elses. Maybe they're trying to escape the floods and this was the only way they could do this calm down
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BF60 ZDK 2016-01-09 21:58:34

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BE11 END 2016-01-08 12:58:02

BE11END is NOT showing as insured on the Motor Insurance Database today..
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BE11 END 2016-01-07 21:54:20

nice reg
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BA07 DOG 2016-01-06 10:54:34

OK, rear wheel slightly on raised kerb but is it really worthy posting it here? Not exactly dangerous or causing an obstruction.
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BN04 KVC 2015-12-29 18:18:58

It's fraud isn't it. So the starting point is reporting it to the police and as if is a criminal offence, the police are under a duty to investigate.

If the police cannot assist due to lack of evidence then there are civil remedies. You need to commence civil proceedings but the costs you pay for the proceedings may exceed the value of the car - so is it worth it?
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BJ11 YUE 2016-01-04 16:30:28

how about some better pictures
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