BW11 RGU 2022-05-23 15:43:33

Parent and child bays are not for lazy men who don't feel like walking an extra 50 meters. They're for parents and children who need extra space and mother's who may be pregnant. Have some respect.
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BW03 ESG 2022-05-13 00:28:39

Dangerous prick doing about 50 in a narrow residential road without any lights on and swerving all over the road
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BW65 VAK 2022-05-02 18:40:25

28/04/2022 M40 south 16:30! Reckless dangerous high speed undertaking 100+
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BW17 BFP 2022-04-09 18:16:33

Drives erratically
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BW70 BJU 2022-03-20 17:50:52

poor driving
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BW65 AUM 2022-03-13 17:43:25

As I go to cross the road as the lights have turned red for the cars, this dickhead in a Vauxhall Corsa Sri shoots straight through them. Wanker in Lancs.
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BW02 FTT 2022-03-02 16:21:54

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BW21 CXV 2021-12-05 20:02:43

Speeding, dangerously overtaking end up no where
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BW19 XNF 2021-11-28 00:38:31

Black Séat Ibiza
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BW15 EKA 2021-11-10 08:19:47

This is going back several weeks but I was on the B6241 heading towards Preston where I had to wait at the lights.

There is a “Keep Clear” space by the lights - this is for traffic to enter and exit from/to the far side when there is queuing traffic on the near side.

But while I was waiting, the driver of this Lancaster City Council van (what was he doing in Preston) entered the Keep Clear space as if he had a right of entitlement to push in to the front of the queue - but then what do you expect with the majority of council workers?

This happened on the afternoon of Friday 29th October 2021.
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