CP16 NSN 2020-10-31 18:16:35

This person thinks they own the road out side there house and if they can't they park like in the photo
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CP03 JNN 2020-09-20 16:43:43

This twat has kids in the back without seatbelts on and he's flying around using his shit 'phone whilst spending. Wants knicking. Cunt.
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CP69 DJF 2020-09-19 00:27:28

Tailgating jerkoffs.
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CP08 RNV 2020-09-16 23:55:07

CP08 RNV Has bean found on Elliot Giles Dive way as of the 16/09/2020!!!!
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CP07 UUX 2020-09-23 12:51:26

Absolute good driver, allowed me to over take him by ease, no trouble at all good driver.
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CP15 UVE 2020-08-28 22:45:20

Get off your phone. 😡
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CP16 OKL 2020-08-17 21:46:49

Well done you fat retard, well done - slow clap.
I have a dashcam which I have provided to my insurance company showing you moving into me and hitting me. Not only are you at fault, but it has been recorded as such on the insurers database so GOOD LUCK getting a decent insurance quote when the insurers realise you not only caused an accident but FAILED to declare it to them.
Not only do you look like a gorilla, you seem to have their brains as well.
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CP06 ZZZ 2020-08-16 21:01:12

Amazing wee driver
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CP07 RYU 2020-08-03 20:36:27

Dear Mr Defender 90, I know you think you drive a hardcore Off-Roader but....
Stop throwing your shit out of your window. Take it home with you, basic decency.
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CP68 BYV 2020-07-17 10:57:50

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