GF69 SBV 2021-08-27 23:21:00

Parked like a twat
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GF69 FBV 2021-08-26 12:47:12

What was you thinking? Lol 😂
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GF12 PCU 2021-09-03 17:59:25

Speeding and tailgating on Shuttle street Tyldesley
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GF65 WWM 2021-09-02 20:53:48

Terrible female driver
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GF59 FTY 2021-09-02 10:34:18

Abusive driver beeping on drivers doing 20mph and giving space to the cyclists. Swears a lot.
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GF59 TEJ 2021-08-22 19:49:40

Speeding like a loony on Stour road Astley. Pensioner with teenage girl as passenger. Wonder if the passengers parents know he drives like this with her in the car?
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GF58 NXE 2021-08-04 15:26:53

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GF70 EZP 2021-07-27 19:01:37

This is a small man big car syndrome type of person that blocks the road for 30 mins and thinks he owns it , imagine a 5 feet nothing little man trying swagger when he walks out and gets in with no sorry , thinks he owns the joint lol
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GF65 VYR 2021-07-30 14:23:16

Driving aggregate trucks like lunatic racing driver! Way over speed limit speeding around a motorbike actually doing proper speed!
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GF68 XEU 2021-07-29 21:33:24

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Worst drivers in June

  1. NA06 AAV
  2. LJ23 YCT
  3. GL20 ONN
  4. KM09 PKU
  5. S671 UOA
  6. SG10 BZY
  7. GJ24 NNH
  8. KS68 HFO
  9. FX08 ENP
  10. GF15 MXX

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