P600 KLB 2024-05-12 16:52:27

Number 1 your car sounds like a broken tractor number 2 calm down on the accelerator mate number 3 look out your window when you're reversing and nobody can possibly get in the backseat it's a shit tip with dog slobber on the windows number 4 stop driving like you own the whole A12 at Langham turn off
Change lanes will you blocking people from getting on the A12 number 5 your car keeps going whining and hissing. Now unfortunately I don't have any photos because my wife won't let me
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JS55 NED 2024-05-12 15:18:00

Vile, ignorant prick who insists on parking on a junction preventing people being able to see out. He’s been approached and reported to the police, and simply states he doesn’t care. He looks like an absolute nonce too. Scumbag twat.
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VN67 TXB 2024-05-11 21:20:47

Awful driving! Shouldn’t be on the roads. Pulls out of junctions without looking and almost hit my car and didn’t even care, not sure he even saw. Worst part was he had his kids in the car. Needs a serious reality check
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PL20 CPN 2024-05-11 18:19:09

With the way traffic was being held up by lights etc, 3 times this car passed me as I'm on my bike. The first 2 times he was totally fine but the 3rd time he clearly got pissed off that I kept getting ahead of him & this twat swerved right at me as he draws level with me.

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NJ72 VKD 2024-05-11 18:16:43

Tesla's may be self driving but I'm pretty sure the law doesn't say that it's ok for a fat cunt to drive down East Rd, through the crossroads & on to Nelson St all while having both hands on his phone like he's playing Tetris or something.

Tesla Wanker!
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AS10 MAR 2024-05-11 16:27:16

Oh dear, someone has got an oversized ego!
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AK17 JKX 2024-05-11 10:22:34

What a clown, P new driver plate in the middle of the rear window,blocking view.
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MR14 AYA 2024-05-10 13:23:16

As well as an illegal plate, you need to learn to park!
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GT14 HOE 2024-05-10 22:37:49

Asian male baseball cap, vw golf gray with stickers on driving over the 30mph speed limit up Bolton road then down. Seemed to be chasing taxis, overtaking transit vans. Driver driving like on illegal drugs or balloons. Be careful if seen, cctv dash cam sent to WYP Op Steerside dangerous driving
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YE19 WXC 2024-05-10 17:20:12

Completely oblivious to the road. Queued at a junction and never even looked to his left hand side to see the car that had to brake to stop hitting into him. Dashed white lines mean GIVE WAY not blindly follow the car in front and nearly cause an accident. Maybe pick up a Highway Code once in a while!
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