LK56 MJU 2020-02-26 08:17:08

Watch out for these Albanian or Romanian wankers who will come out at you in a group and try to claim you hit their car even though you were in your own lane and had plenty of daylight between you and them.

He was probably just a little upset that he a couple of bags of coke spilt in his boot.
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LK14 TYZ 2020-02-04 09:26:08

Parks on double yellows outside a school endangering children
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LK64 WCX 2020-02-03 09:37:13

Idiot taxi driver in birmingham thinking he has right of way over everyone. Cutting people off, drove through a red light and honking his horn at others when he is the problem. Get this idiot off the road... exact stereotype of stupid taxi drivers who think they're entitled.
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LK66 YHB 2020-01-21 09:56:16

Has no clue how to park correctly within two lines..
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LK68 YGZ 2020-01-25 12:09:40

Using phone while driving
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LK15 PXJ 2020-01-15 10:06:17

Gave this guy a blowjob in his car even though he said he had a missus! Shame he couldn't keep it up very well - limp dick!
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LK57 KMV 2020-01-01 13:40:26

You know someone does not give a fuck about cars when they only put down the brand when selling the car. Should've just put "Electric car" if you don't give a fuck, m8 😂
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LK64 SXE 2019-12-14 14:19:13

This black volvo v40 driver cannot drive properly. Overtook a car to jump the que on strafford Street, London E14. He needs to learn manners and have common sense.
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LK64 XSX 2019-12-13 18:02:15

Always fucking parking on green outside her mummy's house and driving way illegally shuch speeding and all sorts
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LK17 CHS 2019-11-11 14:03:07

Doncaster yesterday afternoon, swerving across lanes constantly, right up behind us (car in front) and nearly caused collision leaving no space between us while both going around a roundabout, worst driver ever.
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