LM64 PXS 2016-03-31 22:16:03

These small van drivers are now among some of the worst drivers on the road!
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LM05 AAO 2015-12-12 16:53:14

Not really a motoring issue. Why not photograph or film her doing this and make a complaint to the police get witnesses if possible. Sounds like a nasty piece of work. Hope she don't drive with that aggressive behavior.
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LM51 RGV 2015-07-22 08:00:32

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LM60 ZLX 2015-07-06 18:42:31

Complaint dealt with successfully by FedEx UK Customer Services... thank you for their details (I obviously didn't look hard enough!). I bear no ill will towards anybody as long as they don't risk the life of another motorist, so I hope this will be the end of it.
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LM06 LJN 2015-04-25 23:49:27

Likes to hide his car in our road before visiting someone round the corner parks in other peoples spaces, when polietly asked to move starts accussing them of being racist
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LM14 GHD 2015-03-15 04:55:51

Awful car. Shit driving
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