MK62 ZZU 2022-12-01 21:51:59

This muppet is in such a rush he drives past a line of traffic with loads of gaps to pull in as the lane ends, but this idiot spots a chance to get one further and drives over the hatched area and cuts up the tipper truck in front, moron.
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MK58 HVJ 2022-11-27 17:28:51

Reckless driver
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MK18 KKS 2022-11-25 11:14:31

Retake your test. Your driving is one of the worst I've ever seen.

If anyone was ever thinking of buying this car, watch this first:

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MK17 LLD 2022-11-18 18:58:28

This wanker thinks he's driving a Panzer tank. Straddling across 2 lanes on the A13, almost knocking off 2 motorcycles. You are a danger to everyone around you and we hope you wrap your sorry self around a lamppost.
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MK18 YXW 2022-11-15 13:00:02

Illegally parked and caused a crash
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MK19 EXV 2022-11-10 22:25:52

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MK58 BHF 2022-10-14 21:41:06

Wasn't concentrating, looking down at something, nearly hit a parked car, swerved into oncoming traffic, and would have caused a head-on crash at 40 if I didn't emergency stop
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MK59 SUA 2022-10-12 18:27:22

Drives like an absolute idiot ramming your back end on country roads when you're already pushing the speed limit. Then overtakes at a ridiculous place on a lane hoping you'll slow down to let them in.

Also no tax or MOT.
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MK08 VGY 2022-10-17 12:20:31

Hit my wingmirror and then drove off
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MK67 MKU 2022-09-16 15:00:26

Leave him alone brokie
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