ND16 EZT 2022-05-26 19:06:50

Doesn't like waiting in queues and bullies their way in. Right lane at roundabout means turn right!
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ND54 WTX 2022-05-29 01:45:59

Ugly cunt
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ND10 XFO 2022-05-22 18:40:59

This car did a really bad overtake on me on the M1 almost took bumper off not even taxed or motd needs taking off the road and scraping be doing world a favour
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ND56 WZU 2022-05-13 20:10:53

White van man doing what they do. Ignorant dopey twat blocking the pavement and the junction at the same time. Dickhead. Also no MOT.

✗ MOT Expired: 15 February 2022

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ND10 EAG 2022-05-09 10:50:55

Sticking her fat middle finger up
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ND17 XYB 2022-04-25 21:15:32

Fairly sure it was this car which contained a driver who was using his phone while driving. When I got his attention and pointed out his mistake to him (which I had every right to do since he was breaking the law and endangering other people), all I got was verbal abuse from him. Hope he went home to read the highway code afterwards.
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ND19 JXA 2022-04-03 17:13:35

Almost causes an accident due to lack of awareness when emerging from junction
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ND17 UZL 2022-04-02 12:04:16

undertaking someone in the wrong lane doesn’t get you anywhere mate. Drive properly in your Skoda
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ND13 LXT 2022-03-24 20:58:44

This cock sniff pulls in to the outside lane on the motorway to overtake someone ..... but takes a fucking lifetime doing it. Wanker. Mitsubishi Asx 3
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ND07 PVA 2022-03-02 19:20:02

See this driving a lot around my area and he drives like a grade A nonce. I would say he is a nonce considering he drives a fucking Vauxhall but the blonde bird he had in the seat tells me otherwise. Maybe stop reviving your car like a bad mans and learn to drive properly.
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