OV12 EZU 2023-08-28 10:43:23

BMW 520D M Sport with illegally spaced reg plate - no spaces whatsoever & shitty red colouring around the lettering.
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OV20 POF 2023-08-13 19:18:35

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OV71 UBF 2023-08-09 20:38:09

Tailgates people doing the speed limit until they either move out of the way or do 50 in a 40 on a stretch of road with multiple traffic lights. As predicted, the clown got stuck at four red lights for much longer than if he had just been patient and done the speed limit. All the drivers he tailgated ended up going past him anyways. Your reckless driving got you very far 👍
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OV15 PVT 2023-08-11 15:23:48

Very aggressive driver, not impressed at all. Have reported to the police
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OV17 KLE 2023-07-14 20:34:50

When parking take the same instructions your dad should have and pull out again and do it properly, down your mothers leg!
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OV17 TXP 2023-06-08 23:53:00

Stopped everyone behind to let a car out from a side road also never gives a signal when turning.
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OV18 MHU 2023-05-22 19:27:21

You're going have to learn the dimensions of your car if you'll be taking it to the shops love
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OV17 KUS 2023-05-18 10:02:24

The driver of the white van belonging to Topline Pools and Wellness, choose to overtake when the road narrowed due to a parked vehicle on the nearside, a competent would have waited and overtaking providing the required space for a 50mph road of two metres.

This driver has brought Topline Pools and Wellness into disrepute.

This incident happened on Wiggins Lane, Holmeswood, Lancashire.
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OV13 WZU 2023-05-09 03:14:25

Missin the corsa
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OV13 NNA 2023-05-08 14:19:59

This means nothing to me
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