SP10 HMC 2015-04-10 02:44:37

Lights are green stay the fuckn out the road fuck face
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SP03 WXV 2015-04-02 23:42:26

Towing a caravan in horrendous conditions and traffic, courteous and polite, really knows his width and spacial awareness, good driver..... (Thanked me for pointing his headlight blown when i was in front of him)
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SP03 WXV 2015-04-01 05:21:39

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ST03 NUA 2015-04-01 05:19:22

Good driving
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S18 JSF 2015-03-20 12:58:08

Mate your all a bunch of sad pricks, dave don't hate because I probably overtook you, Simon your a pussy and ill hand break turn into your house! When I found out who you are I won't even say no more ;)
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S18 JSF 2015-03-20 11:02:12

Absolute twat
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SN55 HUD 2015-03-09 08:08:15

Silly woman, opened car door into my car (Blue Discovery, Solihull Retail Park), watched her do it while putting child in the car. Knocked on window to tell her what she had done and she said she never opened the door. When I said if you didn't open the door (and I watched you do it) how did your child get in its child seat. She said well I did open it but didn't touch your car. Followed by well it didn't hit it hard.

I wiped off the mark and said that there doesn't seem to be much damage, just admit it. She wouldn't, said it was my fault for parking next to her and drove off lol.

I hope she reads this.
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SD05 FVJ 2015-03-13 00:03:53

what make
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SD05 FVJ 2015-03-13 00:03:48

make and model
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SJ08 VEH 2015-02-25 22:37:13

Absolute idiot should be off the roads
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