YA18 CXH 2019-08-25 14:38:35

seriously do you fucking care

I nearly get wiped out daily by idiots on the road who havent the remotest ability and you're ll het up about parking

Parking that if you looked into it there was probably a reason anyway
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YA18 CXH 2019-08-29 21:39:43

That is a typical paki car!! Fucking inbred paki, pedo scum.
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YA18 FUM 2019-07-25 21:41:33

Aww did he over take you? What an absolute shame :( fuckin grow up
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YA17 FYH 2019-06-04 20:52:02

This guy cut me up the other morning came here to compain found here is already on here. No wonder...
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YA65 YHM 2019-05-19 19:04:23

....And now the police look on as the vehicle causing the obstruction is chained up ready to be lifted
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YA65 YHM 2019-05-19 19:15:24

So let this be a warning to anyone wishing to park in Chorlton in Manchester: if you obstruct our driveways then we will have the police tow your vehicle away (as you can see in those pictures).

I know this might be a great area with the nightlife etc, but your visit will be a lot more expensive if you’re not careful!

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YA05 AFE 2019-04-16 14:27:19

kids a bean, mason cottle will smoke you
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YA16 DVH 2019-02-15 12:34:44

ugly pensioner with a bouffant hairdo speeding and tailgating down Stour Rd Astley.
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YA17 WLD 2018-12-28 16:43:23

Arse holes!!!!! Beeped at me while I was driver by to in Skegness parked outside Harrison’s amusement!!!!!
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YA65 FCX 2018-10-26 20:55:50

Reg says it should be a citroen so it's probs stolen and uninsured as well. If you see this guy at traffic lights drag him out and re-educate him.
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