YA14 GXJ 2016-07-08 10:43:40

Seen today driving badly.
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YA07 WJK 2016-07-05 20:33:26

They have done it for days but not one of the numerous people they've blocked in have confronted them?
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YA57 NTG 2016-06-28 16:24:43

Saw this gorgeous lad leave 11s for dayz what a guy. Car sounds epic too wana fuck?
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YA08 MLE 2016-06-21 08:17:12

Keep away don't know if this driver was pissed?!
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YA08 MLE 2016-06-21 08:06:18

This DANGEROUS driver tries to run me of road !!!! Stupid woman and that's putting it nice ... WTF you doing???
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YA08 MLE 2016-06-21 08:01:25

Glad I saw this comment because it means I'm not the only one who saw this crazy driver constantly changing lanes and up people's arses constantly you shouldn't be on the road !!!
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YA16 DKJ 2016-06-08 20:38:27

someone getting to grips with an automatic gearbox?
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YA13 HKL 2016-06-01 16:31:19

Drove her car white BMW 3 series into parking bay damaging front passenger side she then sat in car for a short while after event witness told her she had caused damage and when she thought witness was engaged in conversation she drove off !!
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YA13 HKL 2016-06-02 22:28:06

Shit the finance company will charge you for that when you want to hand the car back .
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YA64 EUX 2016-04-18 20:51:45

Sounds like they were out for trouble. Someone get these clowns on a dash cam. Maybe they'll do it near a school and take a particular interest in children complaining? Or maybe they just like trying to single out lone women. Who knows. Maybe they will when their balls drop with a suitable kick..
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