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AK11 CZD 2024-04-19 18:20:54

Digraceful driving in the Reading area. Hyper agressive acceleration, braking and swerving into oncoming traffic, only to agressively move back into proper lane at the last moment (on more than one ocassion)
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AK68 BYY 2024-04-16 00:25:24

Parked fully blocking a pedestrian crossing in Dereham. Proceeded to then drive down the pedestrian crossing using it as a road to exit the supermarket car part. Old fella driving, clearly time to hand back his licence.
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AK09 ZGM 2024-03-30 21:01:21

MK driver doesn't know how to use a roundabout.
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AK66 SKJ 2024-03-18 01:09:43

Utter cretin pulled out into oncoming traffic just expecting everyone would stop for him
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AK72 YDC 2024-03-19 16:13:52

No concept of how to overtake.
Thought it safe to push past me & a tractor whilst in a residential area with hashed white lines.

Clueless & I get what the YDC in his reg stands for
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