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AO64 NWH 2024-04-26 10:13:18

Hit and run driver
If the driver of the Nissan Micra in Eastbourne is reading this please drop me a message as I witness them hit you and drive off
Went after them to stop them but we're driving at dangerous speeds to get away was a woman driver
By the time we got back to where the accident was you had gone
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AO72 JUX 2024-05-02 13:25:35

Fucking bellend, angry little fella with all the gestures.
Grow a pair ya big nancy.
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AO72 YLZ 2024-04-20 00:00:09

Driving his ugly bmw while holding a baby on his knee. Stupid dickhead endangering a child.
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AO16 HHY 2024-03-22 10:53:43

Spotted trying car door handles possibly with a view to steal
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AO08 AZX 2024-03-19 15:30:47

Never knew Saab made an electric car! Or is the driver just pretending that it’s ev?
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