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BP68 KKH 2024-03-25 00:24:53

Can’t park there mate! If you can’t see a sign that says “automatic bollard in operation NO PARKiNG”maybe you should I don’t know get an Eye test maybe? If only there was a company that did eye tests.
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BP65 UBW 2024-02-08 20:37:52

Nonce...was seen shouting out obscenities to teenage school girls
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BP17 UEH 2024-01-12 09:34:12

Speeding 80+ MPH on the M1 Northbound

Lane hogging - lanes 3 and 4

Doesn’t let you overtake and doesn’t pull in even though it is safe and clear to do so. A real danger and in need of their license shredding and car crushing!!!!
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BP63 CTU 2024-01-13 22:48:18

Red light runner
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BP20 KPE 2023-12-26 17:57:08

Red Renault Zoe driver wants to learn how roundabouts work.

When traffic bang opposite you is going straight on, not cutting across you at all & this traffic is forcing traffic to your right to wait THEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT ALL BLOODY DAY HOLDING EVERYONE UP FFS!!!!
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