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BP23 XWM 2024-06-15 13:40:03

I just watched this guy try to race a BMW 530D. You’re in a van, mate. Get out the way, you fucking melt.
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BP66 UME 2024-06-13 21:09:32

Dirty foreigner thinking he owns the road & does what he wants he needs taking down all the ladder rungs not just a peg or 2
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BP15 EZX 2024-06-02 23:03:27

Weird aggresive driver likes to pick on young vulnerable woman because he’s too weak to fight or pick on men his own size.
Loves to tailgate woman.
Loves to try and ram vulnerable women off the road
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BP16 UAL 2024-05-28 21:52:55

Learn how to drive
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BP68 XJH 2024-05-08 09:04:28

absolutely brain-dead woman driver, how can you cut someone off and also be the angry one? Purely psychotic
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