Selected comments

BV58 FOC 2024-10-11 08:22:38

Why in an average speed zone do you manage to do 30 in a 30, move to 40 in a 40 but do 35 in a 50 and when the 50 changes to a 30 you manage 30? Is there something about doing 50 that scares you FFS?
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BV24 YEX 2024-10-04 19:32:34

Terrible driver, very deluded, they actually believe they are more important that other road users.
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BV19 JYT 2024-09-01 21:08:52

I’m a wanker
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BV66 UFA 2024-09-01 21:32:25

Shove my dick in a pile of shit
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BV72 YAH 2024-08-09 13:30:57

Here Is BV72 YAH
Climate Action Strathaven
Euro 6
Mercedes Tourosimo
3C Glasgow
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