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CG05 DEN 2023-02-09 16:36:11

It’s a good job DVLA keep you details secret.
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CG15 HAY 2019-08-17 19:51:52

Really bad driving from this truck driver on the m4 through Newport to Cardiff wed 14th August at 7.30 PM...he was lane hopping and cutting up drivers in both lanes trying to force me to drive over the 50 mile limit...very scary ...I hope he got caught on camera...
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CG11 CAM 2018-06-17 17:15:10

Brief tailgating but the best bit is the cool swagger this guy has when driving! He thinks he is driving an Aston Martin, I know different!
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CG14 NMO 2018-02-07 16:58:47

As usual showing off then speeding in a lane that was closed and forced himself in the other lane anoying decent drivers
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CG02 ZZZ 2017-07-09 20:35:56

Saw this guy stop traffic to let an old guy cross road, what a gent. Huddersfield Road in Halifax
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