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EN12 OAD 2024-11-05 21:39:05

The prick was too excited to go to the fireworks so parked half way in the middle of the road debating whether he should park or not! Absolute wanker
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EN61 CUJ 2024-10-24 07:35:51

Suprise Suprise,this one's already here!!!! Absolute fucking prick ,noncing his way down the 406 indicator on the whole way arguing on his phone. WANKER
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EN08 YNJ 2024-09-06 12:58:43

Silly girl with her little black toy poodle running around all over the car, jumping on her lap, up on the dash... Will she still love it when she ends up in hospital thanks to it, and her own stupidity?
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EN07 OGY 2024-09-12 12:21:10

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EN21 PYT 2024-08-21 09:12:32

CORE , Your core driving abilities are fucking shit !!!!
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  6. RF12 HKU
  7. CJ19 NHL
  8. KV59 YWN
  9. MT17 VCF
  10. HF69 PGZ

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