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FX08 ENP 2024-06-03 12:42:33

Can’t park there mate! Lorry hits bridge in Newport, 21 May 2024
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FX10 LRK 2024-05-07 12:42:29

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FX59 WVE 2024-04-03 18:20:19

Middle Finger To The Law And Safety - FX59WVE
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FX15 NWB 2024-03-22 01:07:49

Idiot who drives over onto the wrong side of the road to pass parked cars when there's cars coming the other way.

Then can't get anywhere because the road is totally blocked with the cars they cut up
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FX67 KXM 2024-03-21 22:11:16

The bays are tight as fuck in that multi storey so we don't need people like you who can't park for shit abandoning their cars at angles making it even worse for others.
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  1. NA06 AAV
  2. LJ23 YCT
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  4. GL20 ONN
  5. SG10 BZY
  6. GJ24 NNH
  7. S671 UOA
  8. B16 TAJ
  9. KS68 HFO
  10. FX08 ENP

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