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GV68 KFX 2024-05-21 09:38:53

Neanderthal likes to drive into oncoming traffic just to skip traffic lights.
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GV56 YCW 2024-05-15 21:52:28

Original number plate of the Top Gear Polar Special Hilux. It was later put on the private plate TY07 HLX
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GV19 CVY 2024-05-13 17:10:58

Driver was swerving through traffic and driving abrasively, get these people back to their country and off our road
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GV73 FZB 2024-04-11 10:34:39

Driving very aggressively tailgating and overtaking on double white lines maybe if you're late for an appointment set your alarm a little bit earlier you fucking inbred
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GV14 EKL 2024-04-11 09:20:20

Marvin Herbert's motor
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Worst drivers in June

  1. NA06 AAV
  2. LJ23 YCT
  3. GL20 ONN
  4. EU06 OUB
  5. B16 TAJ
  6. SG10 BZY
  7. GJ24 NNH
  8. VFZ 8515
  9. EU16 FYE
  10. LO67 UMD

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