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GY70 RAU 2024-10-23 18:33:36

Arrogant prick in a black transit van too busy texting and drive straight through a red pedestrian traffic light
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GY69 BYH 2024-10-12 20:12:25

You're an absolute twat in a Merc!

I totally get stopping at a junction and giving way to the right on a roundabout but also observe what's ahead of you FFS!!

At this roundabout you can see way before you get to it what is or isn't coming from the right so why you need to be jamming on the brakes so far in advance I have no idea because you were going way under the limit to begin with.
Even after you see there's sod all coming from the right you still come to a total stop. What for?? Some phantom vehicle? Pay attention!!
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GY69 BZB 2024-10-12 22:38:07

Slow in drive thru
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GY68 WMF 2024-10-04 00:10:37

Parks on a crossing while disabled person struggles to cross, youre all over youtube
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GY18 XJG 2024-10-08 12:39:43

Another EV driven by a CUNT
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