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HA11 MZY 2024-02-15 16:17:20

Saw him getting smoked by a gt86, sell your car & license pal
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HA11 LSS 2024-01-29 18:25:07

Mini Cooper S with shitty illegally spaced reg plate.

Actually, zero spaces at all. HA11LSS all bunched up.

Going to guess your name is Hailey. Your reg plate doesn't spell it.
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HA55 ANX 2024-01-07 17:25:23

Hassan is a moron overtaking in a 20mph to gain one place in the next queue.
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HA53 BOY 2023-11-14 14:11:04

Nobody gives a fuck how many children you have, you cretinous tacky moron. Prime example of the self obsessed, vain, selfish idiots that buy these things.
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HA16 MAA 2023-10-26 19:16:59

Masquerading a 6 as an E...
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Registration plates:
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