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HG55 YRO 2024-11-27 01:03:00

Drives like a moron too.
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HG12 DZS 2024-10-27 20:37:06

Ford Transit 100 van through M6 J33 roundabout overtakes cyclist much too close when every other road user was able to give a decent wide pass.
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HG73 DHL 2024-10-12 17:37:56

Needs to learn which way to drive around car parks.
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HG09 ENO 2024-09-02 09:34:20

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HG64 TZH 2024-08-20 18:01:03

Twat tried to swerve at me because he didn't like that I had the intelligence not to queue like a sheep when the other lane is also open. He failed, I passed him.
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